Enrolled patients
Enrolment is currently available to residents in Auckland, Tauranga and Christchurch. An enrolled patient is someone who has chosen Tend as their primary care provider.
Also known as Mate māharahara.
There are lots of factors that could play a role in developing anxiety, but the exact cause is still unknown. Some of these factors include personality factors, difficult life experiences or ongoing stressful events, family history, and physical health.
Worrying and the symptoms of anxiety can creep up on you gradually. This can make it hard to know how much worrying is too much.
Some common anxiety symptoms include:
With some help, people living with anxiety disorders can learn to understand their disorder, and develop techniques to manage and control it. Some of these techniques include:
For mild symptoms your health professional might suggest lifestyle changes, such as regular physical exercise and reducing your stress levels. You might also like to try online e-therapies, many of which are free, anonymous and easily accessible for anyone with internet access. Where symptoms of anxiety are moderate to severe, psychological and/or medical treatments are likely to be required.
A healthy approach to self-care can be helpful in preventing anxiety from taking over. Some areas to focus on are:
If you feel that your anxiety is controlling you and getting in the way of your daily life. Seeking professional help can allow you to take the reins back.
How long an anxiety disorder lasts will depend on the person and the type of anxiety.